Class PK Tournament Coming Soon
How do you measure up against your peers? Are you a heavyweight or a featherweight character? Have you achieved the zenith of your skills? Do you possess the most powerful Eudemons? Are you willing to fight to prove your worth? Now you get a chance to prove yourself! The Class PK Tournament is coming to the Kingdom of Cronus in the near future. During this fierce and immersive tournament, you can roll out your fearsome character against your friends and enemies in a fair-play, same-class battle royal. If you've got the skill, tenacity and endurance to survive and become the last one standing, you will win fame, gear, Eudemons and lots of EXP! Duration: 21:00 to 22:30 every Sunday Between 21:00 to 22:30 every Sunday, DukeParacia (174, 416) will appear in CronusCity to teleport players to the tournament grounds. Also, you can enter the tournament grounds via the system reminder. There are 3 phases for the tournament. Players who manage to enter the next phase will receive a certain amount of Exp as a reward. So don't worry if you are not strong enough to win the tournament; just join in and try your best to survive, you can still get some Exp as a reward! PS: The Legion War which originally occurs every Sunday will be changed to every Friday 21:30 - 23:30 when Class PK Tournament comes out.
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