Barbecue Party Event this Weekend
In the spirit of the upcoming Chinese festival, the Mid-Autumn festival, there will be Barbecue Party event.
This festival has been celebrated for over 3,000 years, since China's Zhou Dynasty. The Mid-Autumn Festival occurs on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, typically in October in the Gregorian calendar. This year it falls on the 14th of September. A quite perfect time of year to celebrate a festival, what with the moon at its fullest and brightest! This special day is to pay homage to the Goddess Chang'e and eat delicious moon cakes.
This festival has been celebrated for over 3,000 years, since China's Zhou Dynasty. The Mid-Autumn Festival occurs on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, typically in October in the Gregorian calendar. This year it falls on the 14th of September. A quite perfect time of year to celebrate a festival, what with the moon at its fullest and brightest! This special day is to pay homage to the Goddess Chang'e and eat delicious moon cakes.
The Barbecue Party event is an event in which you will gather ingredients for a HodgepodgePot. Each ingredient will need to be found and cooked independently and then mixed. A scavenger hunt mixed into a recipe! Remember to cook each ingredient properly and long enough! Good luck to all!
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