Spring is coming to Cronus! Happy Easter Day! From the 21st to the 23rd, There are a series of events: flogging rabbits, egg scramble, and treasure hunting. The events will be available from 5:00-6:00 am, 1:00-2:00 pm, 9:00-10:00 pm.You can visit Maria(191, 411) for more information.

1. Flogging rabbits.
A bunny will appear near Cronus fountain at 5:00 am, 1:00 pm and 9:00 pm every day during the Easter event. For 20 minutes, it will flee away. Catch it and you will get a reward!

2. Egg scramble
The Easter eggs outside Cronus city are having a crazy party. You may get a gift if you find them and crack them. Everybody wins!

3. Egg fountain
From 5:21-5:40am, 1:21-1:40 pm and 9:21-9:40 pm, the Easter eggs may appear near Cronus fountain. Crack them and you will get a gift!

4. Treasure hunt
You can enter the Easter garden at 5:40 am, 1:40 pm and 9:40 pm and try your luck. Stevie(220,646), Stew (297,526), Olive (303,457) and Walda (294,409) will send you to the garden.
