Patch 1095 will be released on 3rd March after the routine maintenance. With this patch, you can enjoy the following new features:
1. You can build and develop your very own castle!
2. You can now check the time of your last login and ip when you log into the game.
3. Your Eudemons can be elected as Knights of the Round Table!
4. You have 20 chances to win the lottery each day.
5. When a reborn sphere is used on Eudemons, they can get the equivalent EXp. as an expball.
6. Extra experience can be gained for your character while using Eudemonbooks and SuperEudbooks.
7. You can't join a legion while on a legion war map.
8. Major Eudemons that are under 5 stars can now "main-attribute compose" at level 40.
9. The Reindeer mount is available to purchase in the shopping mall!
10. The last 5 level 101+ players participating in the weekly and monthly PK tournaments will be awarded prizes.
11. Damage will not be shared between spouses when they are in a duel.
12. Eudemons can have up to 90 stars.
13. The Friend Exp and Mentor Expball buttons are now combined.
14. You can have 20 business partners.
Related Links: Patch 1095 Patch 1092-1095 |