We are happy to announce that patch 1069 will be released on July 31 at 19:00 PDT. There are some changes as below:
1.The Eps you should pay for identifying your newborn eudemons will get changed. 1 eudemon costs 1 EP.(More Information about Batch Hatch)
2.Players under level 36 will not be PKed in Cronus, ElvenCity, MistyMArsh and GobiDesert.(About PK)
3.Only players who reach level 35 or above can deliver the logs(Details.).
4.Dirty words are prohibited in Broadcast.
5.Two new mounts BronzeRhino and CopperRhino are available for selling now. Each costs 29 Eps.

6.You can buy more eudemon eggs and rare items from Eudemon seller Alice and Vanessa, but no discounts for them.

7.RebornSpheres and LuckPotions are added as rewards of Lottery.

8.New interface of Eudemon Composing are created for you to manage it conveniently.
