All New York players have just enjoyed two days` double exp during Jun 4-5, 2007 (Details). Now we are proud to announce that the players from LosAngeles, LasVagas and London have worked together to get their first final eudemons. Our special thanks to all who have helped to make this a reality. Event details

To reward these players` great efforts, all players from these servers can enjoy two days` double exp, which runs from this Wednesday`s server maintenance until this Friday`s maintenance. Congratulations! We hope you will level up quickly and become much stronger during this period.
Come on, all players from Toronto and Sydney. Visit the priestess (Cronus 187.417) to send your best wishes. The great things need to be done by mass efforts. It is your turn to show us your success. Let us wish two days` double exp will fall on Toronto and Sydney very soon. |