Want to purchase Eudemon Codes very much, but due to some reason, it is difficult for you to purchase via the current available payments (Paypal/Credit Card, Direct Deposit, Wire Transfer, Check/Money Order).
To satisfy your needs, now you are allowed to purchase the desired Eudemon Codes via Western Union.
Western Union is a global leader in money transfer services. It helps consumers and businesses send money and bill payments quickly and reliably. Learn more details.
Western Union accepts Payments of Cash at local Western Union locations, and Credit card payments Online, or by Phone. The following directions are for orders placed with cash at local Western Union locations.
Instructions For Purchasing Eudemon Codes Via Western Union With Cash: 1. Go to www.westernunion.com and find a local western union location to send money. 2. Make a person to person money transfer to: First Name: NETDRAGON WEBSOFT (HONG KONG) LIMITED Last Name: Websoft City: Diamond Bar State: California Country: USA Note: Be sure NOT to use a security question.
 3. Take the information obtained by the transfer and e-mail the following details to adam.geiss@gmail.com with subject-"EudemonsOnline-WU". Once your payment is confirmed, you will get the codes within 2 business days.
First Name: Last Name: Amount Of Money You Pay: Control Number: Country: City/State: Non-AOL Email Address: Telephone Number:
We greatly appreciate your kind support! Enjoy playing Eudemons Online and have a lot of fun!
Notes: Western Union users, please note that we do NOT have a "Quick Collect" account with western union. Users need to send the money "Person to Person" as if Netdragon Websoft were the person.
Name is:
And location is:
City: Diamond Bar State: CA Country: USA.
We have proper ID to pick up funds for Netdragon Websoft.
*You may have some trouble at certain western union locations from representatives who feel we cannot receive funds due to the name Netdragon Websoft, but let them know we have proper identification to pick up the funds, and you still want to send money "Person to Person" to us under the name NETDRAGON WEBSOFT (HONG KONG) LIMITED.
Other than walking into a western union location, you can also use your credit card to order over the phone, or online at www.westernunion.com
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