We are happy to announce that patch 1058 will be released on May 15, 2007 at 22:30PM PDT (GMT-7). With this patch, you can enjoy the new features as below:
Anti-hack Trading system
1) Un-tradable Items a. If you are below level 70, you cannot trade to obtain a star-20+ eudemon or the equipment of 30 levels higher than you. If you need these items very much, you may obtain them by trading with your business partners. b. You are not allowed to drop an item worth 1000+ EPs or a star-20+ eudemon.
2) Stolen Items If an item is traded at a very unreasonable price, it will be marked as a stolen item. This mark will last for 3 days. During this period, the system will warn you to be careful when you trade such items. By the way, the auto-retrieve system will be implemented soon. Once this system is released, you will be able to retrieve your hacked items by yourself.

3) Trade With your whispering target To avoid trading with the wrong target, you can make a trade with your whispering target by clicking the "Trade" button on the Whisper Window.

4) Business Partnership From now on, you can make business partners to protect you from being scammed. Details coming soon.

Shopping Mall (Market 285,473) The following items are available for selling at a very reasonable price. Wish you will be the first to own them.
1) Casual Dress: ShadowMoon and VioletDiamond

2. Eudemons: BerserkerKahn and ShadowMageLiz

3. Mounts: SnowRaptor and FireRaptor

99/999 Roses When you send 99/999 roses to a lady, all players in your server will receive the special flower effects and system message.

Offline Training Ground
1) Exchange Your RedStone For Character Exp When you log in the game after offline training, you will receive the most helpful tips for exchanging your RedStones for Character Exp with Yolanda.

2. 19-star UniversalXO If you are above level 110, you can pay 298 EPs to buy a 19-Star UniversalXO from Condice.
