We are happy to announce that patch 1054 will be released on April 2, 2007 at 00:01AM PDT (GMT-7). With this patch, you can enjoy the new features and changes as below:
Shopping Mall (Market 281,470): 1. ObsidianMail and JasperTunic are available for selling at 1688 EpS
 2. WarriorLuLu and MageDuDu are sold at a regular price (5888 Eps)

Token Exchange Aratar (Market 281,506) provides FlyingChop and Chainchop skill books for token exchange.

Chat The chat target`s Legion and Family name will appear on the Whisper Window

Double Exp and PK Tournament All players in NewYork Server can enjoy another day`s free double experience on April 2, 2007, and the weekly PK Tournament will be re-held in NewYork on April 3, 2007.
Weekend Event Last Weekend`s double experience event has come to a close
Bug Fixes Fixed some text errors. |