On March 10th, it is the Eudemon prayer. During this special period, all the players above level 35 can join the prayer and get lots of prizes. We hope all the players can enjoy a happy weekend in Eudemons Online.
Event Duration: From 00:01AM on March. 10 to 23:59PM on March 11 (2 days). All times are PST (GMT-8).
Key NPC:
Toffley (Cronus153,392) Players can get a prayer card from her. And 4 players with the same cards can form a team to join in the prayer. | Walkthrough:
1 Visit Toffley (Cronus153 392) during 2:00-3:00, 8:00-9:00, 14:00-15:00, or 22:00-23:00, and apply a prayer card from her, which is free.

2. After that, find 3 other members with the same cards, and then form a team with 4 members. The leader should talk to Toffley, and choose to join the prayer; you will be teleported to one of the 4 prayer fields. The 4 fields are: Dawn Plain, Foggy Desert, Flame Marsh and Snowfield.

Prayer field mission
Dawn plain
Sharon Talk to her to know how to finish the mission and apply for the rewards if you have finished the mission. |
1. Kill the little gnomes and you will get a gnome key randomly.
2. Open the gnome box with the key you got from the gnomes, and you will get a gnome card randomly.

3. After all the members get the gnome cards, go back to Sharon, and you can finish the mission here.
Rewards: Each member will get some of the following rewards randomly: SaintDragon, MoneyBag, Expbag
Foggy Desert

Gavin Talk to him to know how to finish the mission and apply for the rewards if you have finished the mission. |
1. Talk to Gavin, and you will get a wind wand.

2. Take it to hunt the wind elf, and you will get a wind bell randomly.

3. After all the members get the wind bells, go back to Garvin, and you can finish the mission here.
Rewards: Each member will get some of the following rewards randomly: MoneyBag,ExpBag, WarriorGeppy, WarriorNana, MagePipy, MagePeppy.3. Flame marsh.

Angus Talk to him to know how to finish the mission and apply for the rewards if you have finished the mission. | 1. Talk to Angus, and you will get a fire necklace.

2. Equip the fire necklace to hunt the flying dragon, after you hunt 20 dragons, go back to Angus, and you will get a life torch.

3. After you get 3 torches, equip down the fire necklace and visit life fire, it will convert the fire necklace and 3 torches into a Heresy necklace.

4. After all the members get the Heresy necklace, go back to Angus, and you can finish the mission here.
Rewards: Each member will get some of the following rewards randomly: MoneyBag,ExpBag, WarriorGeppy, WarriorNana, MagePipy, MagePeppy.
Snow field

Natasha Talk to her to know how to finish the mission and apply for the rewards if you have finished the mission. | 1. Talk to her and you will get a holy hammer.

2. After that you can apply for a ice potion from her, after using the potion (2 minutes effect), you can hunt the snow gnus for pure Ice.

3. Right click on the holy hammer if there is pure ice in your inventory, you will get following items.Gnus palm: You can sell it to the grocery and get gold.
Snow pearl You can get 10000 gold by using it.
Ice candy You can eat it and get a special effect.
Cryolite quest item

4. After all the members get the Cryolites, go back to Natasha, and you can finish the mission here.
Rewards: Each member will get some of the following rewards randomly: MoneyBag,ExpBag, WarriorNeil, WarriorRex. |